
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 19, No. 4, 2009

Development of RO-01-ICI Site as a Node of the National Grid Infrastructure for Research

Gabriel NEAGU, Alexandru STANCIU


At the European level e-Infrastuctures are considered a vital pillar for the implementation of the ERA (European Research Area) concept. The main components of these infrastructures are the network for education and research and the Grid infrastructures. At the national level a confirmation of the attention paid to the development of these e-Infrastructure components is provided by the 2007 Report of the Romanian Committee for Research Infrastructures, where projects regarding high- speed communication network for education and research, and national Grid infrastructure for research are included in the list of proposals for priority investment projects in the Information and Communications Technologies domain. Sectorial Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness” (SOP IEC) has been providing a consistent financial support for the development of these projects through the call organized in 2008. ICI Bucharest is among beneficiary organizations of this support as its project proposal submitted to this call was accepted for funding. This paper presents the European context for e-Infrastructures development, the evolution and current status of Grid resource centers at the national level, the relevant objectives of the SOP IEC programme regarding the support of this domain. As a cases study, the paper provides also a short description of the above mentioned structural funds project, which will implement a high capacity site for the national Grid infrastructure.

e-Infrastructure, EGEE, SEE-GRID, EGI, national Grid infrastructure, structural funds, SOP IEC, RO01-ICI Grid site.

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Gabriel NEAGU, Alexandru STANCIU, "Development of RO-01-ICI Site as a Node of the National Grid Infrastructure for Research", Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 19(4), pp. 39-50, 2009.