
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 30, No. 4, 2020

Multidimensional risk assessment of space critical infrastructures: the human factor

Marius Eugen OPRAN, Olga BUCOVEȚCHI, Ulpia Elena BOTEZATU, Radu D. STANCIU


The paper presents some risks from outer space, elaborating on a risk profile for critical space infrastructure by presenting, in short, the problem of space weather phenomena, space debris and near-Earth objects. At the same time, the analysis also takes into account the development of anti-satellite weapons and other forms of space warfare. The main novelty of the scientific approach is the attempt to introduce a new paradigm in the field of critical space infrastructure, i.e. the human factor as a component that is currently missing from the literature. The analysis proves that the risk profile of the physical component is similar to the risk profile generated by the same spectrum of threats to the human component.

risk assessment, critical infrastructures, space systems, multidimensional analysis.

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Marius Eugen OPRAN, Olga BUCOVEȚCHI, Ulpia Elena BOTEZATU, Radu D. STANCIU, "Multidimensional risk assessment of space critical infrastructures: the human factor", Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 30(4), pp. 27-38, 2020.