Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 30, No. 4, 2020
Cross-border eServices for public administration driven by Once-Only Principle
Carmen-Elena CÎRNU, Carmen-Ionela ROTUNĂ
Nowadays implementing cross-border electronic public services is a top priority for public administrations across EU for accelerating economic development. Currently, there are still technical, administrative and legal barriers at European level that prevent businesses and citizens from accessing electronic services in and from other countries. The use of digital technologies is currently an integrated part of modernisation and innovation strategies in member states. The Once-Only Principle (OOP) is one of the key principles for developing electronic services while promoting cross-border cooperation between authorities. The Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP) supports EU efforts on granting every European a similar level of digital experiences and rights by developing a federated OOP architecture and real-life pilots.
eServices, eGovernment, OOP, data reuse, cross-border public services, interoperability. View full text
Carmen-Elena CÎRNU,
Carmen-Ionela ROTUNĂ,
"Cross-border eServices for public administration driven by Once-Only Principle",
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control,
ISSN 1220-1758,
vol. 30(4),
pp. 99-110,