
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 28, No. 3, 2018


1. IN MEMORIAM Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Enescu


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2. From cyber threat to hostile action in cyberspace

Adrian Victor VEVERA

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3. A critical space infrastructure perspective on Romanian national security

Olga BUCOVEȚCHI, Alexandru GEORGESCU, Marilena LAZĂR, Carmen CÎRNU

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4. The role of new technologies in transforming open-source intelligence

Gabriela TATU

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5. The relationship between mass communication and national security

Ilinca Andreea MARIN

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6. Considerations on NoSQL Databases


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7. Research for application migration solutions in the virtualized cloud structures

Alexandru SIPICĂ

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8. A methodological approach to structuring the ICT RDI offer for business environment. Case Study

Gabriel NEAGU, Mădălina ZAMFIR, Vladimir FLORIAN, Alexandru STANCIU, Mihnea Horia VREJOIU

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