
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 28, No. 2, 2018

The Influence of Motivational Factors on the Performance in the Research Activity

Alexandru BALOG, Tudor PRISECARU, Emilia VISILEANU, Irina CRISTESCU, Sevinci POP, Ana Voichița TEBEANU


In the present study, the motivational factors refer to all those factors that are associated with the researchers’ motivation and which have an influence on increasing the RDI activity performance. Consequently, the context is defined by the RDI activity, by the way it is organized and by the conditions under which the activity is carried out. Two categories of motivation were analyzed: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Performance in RDI occupations refers to the performance of the research staff. The present research aimed to analyze the influence of the motivational factors on the performance of RDI research staff. The results show that motivation plays an important role in increasing performance in RDI occupations. The mean values for intrinsic motivation are higher than those obtained for extrinsic motivation (mean factor of 4.27 versus 3.81).

Motivation, Motivational factors, Performance, Research activity, Research-development-innovation, RDI.

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Alexandru BALOG, Tudor PRISECARU, Emilia VISILEANU, Irina CRISTESCU, Sevinci POP, Ana Voichița TEBEANU, "The Influence of Motivational Factors on the Performance in the Research Activity", Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 28(2), pp. 57-70, 2018.