Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 27, No. 4, 2017
Dew Computing Approaches as Extension of Cloud Oriented Architectures – Opportunity Analysis
Gabriel NEAGU, Marilena IANCULESCU
The paper presents the concept of dew computing, which has been approached in the literature especially in the last two years. Similar to fog computing, developed in the context of Internet of Things development, dew computing is a solution to enrich cloud computing-oriented distributed architectures by reconsidering the role of local computing over cloud resources. In such an architecture, a dew server in the proximity of the local user has the role of addressing the accessibility and availability of cloud data and services that this user has access to when the Internet connection with the cloud infrastructure is interrupted. The specifics of the dew approach based on the independence and collaboration features, the cloud-dew architecture – an extension of the client-server architecture based on the dew server concept, the dew computing categories representing resources available on the dew server (such as a subset of the web site, synchronized storage with its cloud copy, backup database for a cloud database, software product, platform or dew computer) are detailed. Considering the topic of the research support project for the investigation underlying this paper, the last part of the paper is devoted to the problem of active and healthy aging systems, for which the solution can be a flexible cloud-fog-dew architecture and the use of some modern technologies to support user-system interaction. The integrated platform for online services ProActive Ageing is presented from the perspective of an expansion of services that are provided using the potential dew of computing.
client-server architecture, fog computing, cloud computing, dew computing, cloud-dew architecture, dew categories, systems for active and healthy ageing.
Gabriel NEAGU,
"Dew Computing Approaches as Extension of Cloud Oriented Architectures – Opportunity Analysis",
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control,
ISSN 1220-1758,
vol. 27(4),
pp. 5-14,