
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017

Use of IoT technology in the Medical Field



This article presents an overview of the main strategies, variables and, of course, of the approach that enables IoT technologies and brain-computer interfaces to provide a significant contribution to a better, healthier lifestyle. This paper describes two current technology breakthroughs that are extremely popular at the moment, provides a brief description of the issues concerning brain disorders and of the impact of these brain-computer interfaces and it also debates the way these two main breakthroughs may pull together in order to achieve an impressive progress in medicine and in other fields, as well. The observations and main results that sum up this paper are meant to show that persistent research and development of this technology aim to use brain activity strictly in order to help people with severe motor disabilities. Furthermore, this technological breakthrough may serve as an instrument for the early detection of neurological diseases and its use must definitely not be targeted for the hacking process of the human brain.

IoT, Brainwaves, Brain-computer interface, Electroencephalography, Brain-hacking.

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Ramona PLOTOGEA, Alin ZAMFIROIU, "Use of IoT technology in the Medical Field", Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 27(3), pp. 19-28, 2017.