Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 27, No. 2, 2017
E-Learning Systems Evolution and Cloud Computing
Electra MITAN
The paper presents the evolution of e-learning systems, the impact that they have had over the years and current trends, how advanced technologies entered the field of education. Software and hardware resources in increasingly more advanced were and are used for the courses and teaching materials with rich educational content. It highlights the diverse use of IT means to support and develop learning and evaluation process. The migration of e-learning to the cloud, to use resources that are delivered as a service through Internet is the future for e-learning systems because it provides many technical, functional and financial advantages. Of course, disadvantages of this phenomenon were underlined, but information society progress requires consideration of this development opportunity.
lifelong learning, Internet, e-learning, cloud computing, services.
Electra MITAN,
"E-Learning Systems Evolution and Cloud Computing",
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control,
ISSN 1220-1758,
vol. 27(2),
pp. 41-52,