
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 25, No. 4, 2015

On-Line Platform for the Enrollment and Evaluation of Technical Scientific Literature Publication

Ionuț PETRE, Lidia BĂJENARU, Valentin RĂDUŢ


The article presents the capabilities of the platform built for the registration and evaluation of technical and scientific literature publications in the competition for funding of scientific and technical literature. The platform has a modular structure, the component modules being presented in the paper. Through this platform is provided a dedicated tool for document registration and enrollment in the competition for the editors in order to be evaluated by a Commission of experts. The main benefits that are provided by the online platform for evaluating Literature Technical-Scientific are: transparency of the entire evaluation process, substantially reducing the time for submission of funding proposals and efficient evaluation procedure by abolishing traditional methods involving additional effort for publishers, Evaluation Commission and competition organizer for funding the technical and scientific literature.

technical and scientific literature, online platform, evaluation platform, registration system.

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Ionuț PETRE, Lidia BĂJENARU, Valentin RĂDUŢ, "On-Line Platform for the Enrollment and Evaluation of Technical Scientific Literature Publication", Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 25(4), pp. 7-18, 2015.