Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 24, No. 4, 2014
The Internet as a Support in the Management of Cultural Institutions
Bogdan-Emil STROE
We all live in an Information Society and Internet era which is on a continuous development trend. The total number of individuals connecting to Internet is increasing every day and the access to the Internet grows rapidly everywhere in the world. We are all facing with a more and more clear tendency of transposing all the activities in a virtual environment, from socializing between people, business activities, communication channels, research, spending the free time, reading, online broadcasting television and radio, digital libraries, all of these happening online with full and rapid access to information. All these things are interconnected in a common frame which is called the Internet, with free access for anyone, from everywhere. This means a big challenge for the future of the information society and of the Internet, where every entity, person, company should face it for gathering as much as they can from the advantages and benefits like rapid and efficient access to information, virtual and quick communication channels, the transposing of daily activities in the online environment, saving time (like payments, shopping online, socializing, messaging, television, distance communication, distance conferences, etc.), and quick access to public and private services and products, elearning, the increase of knowledge and continuous information (through online and fresh publications, e-books, digital libraries, online and updated news, etc.).
Internet, technology, informational society, management, culture, cultural mamagement, cultural institutions, access to information, virtual environment, online businesses, socializing, communication, digital, advatages, benefits, public and private services, knowledge, continous information, e-learning.
Bogdan-Emil STROE,
"The Internet as a Support in the Management of Cultural Institutions",
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control,
ISSN 1220-1758,
vol. 24(4),
pp. 17-24,