
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 24, No. 4, 2014

Aspects Regading the Modernization of the Libraries

Viorel Cristian MILITARU


The libraries are some of the most important structures of information and documentation that are available to the public, their activitz being influenced by a number of factors of economical, social or political nature. The role of the library in the developement of the informational society is increasingly important with the acquisition of documents in digital format, the digitizing of their collection of documents, multimedia documents, creating digital databases, and providing communication services to the public. The digital library offers the possibility to access its resources through internet, permanently, by any citizen, aiming to improve the quality of the offered servicesand being responsive to suggestions from the users.

digital library, digital information, knowledge management.

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Viorel Cristian MILITARU, "Aspects Regading the Modernization of the Libraries", Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 24(4), pp. 49-51, 2014.