
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 20, No. 1, 2010


1. Evocations - Biography Prof. Dr. Eng. Vlad Ştefăniţă Ionescu

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2. Experimental Testing of Data Compression Algorithms

Cristian-Valentin EREMIA, Mihai TERTIȘCO

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3. Methods of Integrating the Distributed Informatics Applications

Ion IVAN, Leonard SĂCUIU, Daniel MILODIN, Cristian CIUREA

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4. Automatic License / Number Plate Recognition – LPR / ANPR – based systems. Some aspects regarding the specific issues and solutions

Mihnea Horia VREJOIU

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5. Automatic License / Number Plate Recognition – LPR / ANPR – based systems. A synthetic analysis of some ANPR products

Mihnea Horia VREJOIU

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6. Knowledge Basis in Complex Moulds Design and Manufacturing

Electra MITAN, Gabriel CORBAN

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7. Methodologies for Agent-Based Systems Development

Mihaela M. OPREA

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8. Complex Architectures Used in Image Parallel Processing

Ştefan MOCANU, Radu DOBRESCU, Daniela SARU, Ramona DIN, Andrei GRUMĂZESCU

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9. On Some Models and Algorithms for Integrated Production Planning and Scheduling

Iulian MIRCEA, Mihaela COVRIG, Emil CIOBANU, Radu R. ŞERBAN, Vladimir FLORIAN

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10. Symmetrical Globality. An Esthetic Point of View

Cristian LUPU

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