
Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control / Vol. 19, No. 2, 2009

Some Esthetical Valences of the Spatial Interconnecting Locality

Cristian LUPU


In this paper we try to model an “esthetical behaviour” by the aid of the interconnected structures. Firstly, based on the concept of structural self-organization it defines the “collectivity” as a set related by the structural relations. While the structure (esthetical or not) is a concept, the representation or the image is an intuition (according to Croce). Nearby the structure, opposite to the function, is the image as an intuition. The esthetical structures are characterized by significant intuitive representations. Thus, the perception of the structural self-organization of a work of art is, finally, an intuition. Or, the esthetical function is the expression of the work of art. The concept of the esthetical structure and the intuition of the esthetical representation form the two sources of the conception/reception of a work of art. We introduce the notion of interconnected esthetical collectivity and, on this background, we try to model an esthetical behaviour (reception) supporting the esthetical locality concept.

esthetical behaviour, structural self-organization, collectivity, structure, representation, intuition, esthetical function, esthetical locality. View full text

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Cristian LUPU, "Some Esthetical Valences of the Spatial Interconnecting Locality", Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, ISSN 1220-1758, vol. 19(2), pp. 15-22, 2009.