Review Process
The Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control (RJITAC) reviews articles within approximately three months of submission. Each paper is reviewed by an anonymous referee and accepted articles are published in the next available issue upon receiving the final versions.
RJITAC carries out a two-stage peer review process :
- internal peer review (desk peer review);
- external evaluation (external double-blind peer review).
In the first stage, the manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial team based on the following criteria:
- compliance with the journal's research area;
- compliance with the structure mentioned in the Publication Guidelines;
- use of the Romanian/English language (the articles must be written grammatically correct and must be easy to read).
During the desk peer review stage, articles that do not conform to RJITAC’S research scope will be automatically rejected. Articles that need improvement in structure and wording will be returned to the authors for changes. Manuscripts considered eligible by the editorial team and that have also passed the internal review stage (with or without modifications) move on to the external review stage.
During the external review stage, the article is sent for review to a referee, from the RJITAC database, who has volunteered for this activity and has the most appropriate expertise to review the aforementioned manuscript. Referees who voluntarily review articles for RJITAC receive, based on their review activity, a certificate for each review completed, according to RJITAC editorial policy. Depending on the case, articles may be reviewed by one or two experts, and the manuscript may be accepted for publication without changes (no revision), with minor changes, with major changes, sent back to the author for a complete rewrite, or rejected. Each peer review report includes detailed comments where the author is required to make changes. Authors are not permitted to request specific reviewers. For manuscripts rated with "minor changes", authors will return the modified article as directed by the editors. The RJITAC editor will verify the implemented changes and if the changes follow the directions from the peer review report, the manuscript will be published. Should that not be the case, the article will be rejected. In the case of manuscripts rated with "major changes", the reviewer will once again verify that the text complies with the directions received. If the changes have been made in accordance with the reviewer's requests, the article will be published; otherwise, the article is returned to the authors for further changes or it is rejected.
RJITAC benefits from a network of volunteer reviewers, consisting of editorial board members, academics, researchers, experts and specialists. The reviewer database is regularly updated by our editorial team and ranked by specialist’s expertise. The editorial team will ensure that the reviewer assigned to the double-blind review is different from the author and has a different affiliation by checking the relevant identifying details (full name and affiliation). RJITAC pays special attention to the double-blind review process and ensures author-reviewer confidentiality. This means that the reviewer receives the manuscript for review without the name and affiliation of the author, and the authors receive the peer review report without the name or affiliation of the reviewer(s).
All articles are copyrighted and may be reproduced without permission for non-profit use, provided the RJITAC is credited.