Publication Guidelines
The authors must comply with the following instructions for typesetting manuscripts:
the first page of the article must contain the title of the article with capital letters (in English), the author’s name and forename, the name and address of the organization to which the author is affiliated and the e-mail address;
at the beginning of the article, it will be provided the abstract of 10-20 lines (in English), followed by the keywords (in English) of the article;
the text of the article must be processed in Microsoft Office Word 2016® and cannot exceed 14 pages (A4 format), including references and author presentations;
the list of symbols used in text: it will not be published, but it will allow a better identification and reproduction of the symbols used by the author;
the figures must be processed in Word, using the command “Move Object with Text” (or Group) and will be numbered with Arabic digits;
the tables must be numbered with Roman digits: for large tables, their contents can be briefly presented in the body of the articles or in the annexes, with the mention that they can be required directly from the author;
the mathematical formulas must be numbered on the right side, e.g. (1), (2) …;
the references should be given in strictly alphabetical order, each entry starting with the surname of the main author.
All papers will be subject to double blind peer review and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. The corresponding author(s) will be notified about the outcome via email.