Journal Aim and Scope

Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control – RRIA
The Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control – RRIA is a scientific journal, open access, published quarterly, edited by the National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest.
Continuing the initiative of the Romanian IT Bulletin – BRI, published in 1980, which, starting in 1991, changed its name to the Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, one could say that the journal has been published continuously for over 40 years.
The Editorial Board Members are researches from the Romanian Academy, the university centers of Bucharest, Iasi, Timișoara, universities or research institutes from the USA, Malaysia, the Republic of Moldova, India, Algeria, as well as ICI Bucharest.
The main objectives of RRIA are to actively support authors (scientific researchers, professors, professionals, but also faculty/university students, post-graduate and PhD students) and to efficiently disseminate the information to the benefit of different specialists (both within the Institute as well as outside of it) with regards to the new technologies, projects, and European and governmental funds opportunities.
Within the pages of the Romanian Journal of Informatics and Automatics you will find relevant information, success stories, innovative solutions and best practices, applicable in areas such as business, health, administration, industry, environment, alternative energy, information security, culture and education, with the aim to support informed and correct decision making.
With information technology and automatic control as its' main areas of interest but also with the complementary areas, RRIA publishes in its pages original articles, open access, protected by the copy-right law. We strongly recommend authors read the Publication Guidelines available on the journal’s website, the rejection rate being approximately 55%.
In order to expand the dissemination area of the journal, the abstracts and keywords of the articles have been also published in English (both on paper and on-line version), starting with vol. 17, no. 4, 2007.
The Editorial Board, which is responsible for the overall performance of the journal, is composed of professors from around the world and experts in the subject area that the journal focuses on.
ICI Bucharest publishes this journal that is fully open access i.e. all articles are made available free of charge to the reader. Moreover, authors do not pay an open access fee.
We welcome international subscriptions to the print edition of the journal.