How to Submit

All the correspondence regarding the submission of an article is made via e-mail:

The submission process has two stages:

  1. Authors must send the full article to, using the Sample File from: Publication Guidelines, in order to initiate the evaluation process. After receiving the email accepting the article for review, authors must send all requested documents to the same email address. The submitted articles are evaluated by the editorial team based on the following criteria: compliance with the journal's research field, compliance with the structure mentioned in the Publication Guidelines and the use of Romanian and/or English languages ​​(articles must be written grammatically correct and easy to read). During the desk peer review stage, articles that are not appropriate to the journal's field of interest will be automatically rejected .
  2. Authors of manuscripts deemed eligible by the editorial team and that have passed the editorial review stage (with or without a request for modifications) are notified by email of this and are instructed on the next stages. At this stage, the article is sent for evaluation to a reviewer from our database who has volunteered for this task and has the expertise best suited to evaluate the content of the manuscript. In the case of manuscripts rated "acceptance without revision" the article will be sent (by the editor) directly to the Romanian/English proofreading; for articles rated "accept with minor changes" or "accepted with major changes", authors will return the article modified as directed by the reviewer, along with a letter to the reviewer explaining how they addressed the suggestions and recommendations for improvement. The RRIA editorial team will ask the reviewer to double-check that the text complies with the directions received. If the changes correspond to the indications received via the peer review report, the manuscript will be accepted and published in the next issue available at that time. Otherwise, the article will be returned to the authors for further changes or rejected. For articles that receive a second-stage rejection recommendation, authors are notified by email of the final rejection decision .

Note: Authors are not permitted to request reviewers .